Sabtu, 19 September 2009

World Poverty


A. Give facts about the issue.
Around the world, 27–30,000 children die every day. That is equivalent to 1 child dying every 3 seconds, 20 children dying every minute, a 2004 Asian Tsunami occurring almost every week, or 10–11 million children dying every year. Over 50 million children died between 2000 and 2005. The silent killers are poverty, easily preventable diseases and illnesses, and other related causes. In spite of the scale of this daily/ongoing catastrophe, it rarely manages to achieve, much less sustain, prime-time, headline coverage.

B. Explain why it is a problem.
People are hungry not because of lack of availability of food, or “over” population, but because they are too poor to afford the food. Politics and economic conditions have led to poverty and dependency around the world. Addressing world hunger therefore implies addressing world poverty as well. If food production is further increased and provided to more people while the underlying causes of poverty are not addressed, hunger will still continue because people will not be able to purchase food.

C. Suggest ways for people like you to do something about the problem.
Here are some ways that teenagers like us can help the World Poverty:
1. Donate money to organizations that work to help World Poverty sufferer.
2. Make organization can help and reduce their agony.
3. Organize a peaceful demonstration against World Poverty.
4. We shouldn’t waste food because many people far outside need food.

created by: Joel Olifer Fernando M on 8/30/2008 11:17 AM

Minggu, 13 September 2009

Dicintai Seperti Apa Adanya?

Kebahagiaan tertinggi dalam kehidupan adalah kepastian bahwa anda dicintai seperti apa adanya, atau lebih tepatnya dicintai walaupun anda seperti diri anda adanya. (Victor Hugo)

Kita datang ke dunia ini sendiri, dan sendiri pula kita meninggalkannya. Di antara pintu masuk dan pintu keluar, kita menghabiskan waktu kita untuk mencari persahabatan. (E.M. Dooling)

Mereka Adalah Bagian Dari Kehidupan

Anda adalah produk dari lingkungan anda. Maka, pilihlah lingkungan yang terbaik bagi pengembangan anda menuju tujuan-tujuan anda. Analisalah hidup anda melalui lingkungan anda. Apakah hal-hal yang disekitar anda membantu anda menuju sukses atau malah menahan anda? (W. Clement Stone)

Puzzle Kehidupan

Kehidupan adalah permainan puzzle, kadangkala mudah untuk mencari potongan puzzle yang kita butuhkan, kadangkala kita kesulitan, bingung, bahkan panik sehingga seringkali kita memaksakan potongan puzzle yang tidak tepat. Disinilah fungsi kata mutiara, potongan puzzle yang mungkin selama ini Anda cari-cari, karena ketika puzzle telah tersusun sempurna Kita baru mengerti apa maksud Sang Pencipta (Sesungguhnya akal manusia sangat terbatas).